Thursday, November 12, 2009

Long time!

Wow, I really stink at this blogging thing! Charlie is now 1, and I am going to try really hard to keep updating this!

Let's see...Charlie now uses the potty most of the time! We started Infant Potty Training/Elimination Communication at 10 months. The first time I put him on the potty when he started grunting and HE POOED! I started putting him on every time I noticed the grunts, and after he woke up in the morning and after naps. Now, he gets fussy when it's time to go(most of the time). It's a long, hard road, but the results have been amazing. I never knew a BABY would be capable of using a potty! I do the sign for "potty" with him every time he goes, but he isn't doing the sign yet. We also are using cloth diapers, but mostly training pants with the waterproof covers during the day. I have only bought 1 refill bag of wipes in over 2 months--that's amazing! (Yes, I am ok with dealing with cloth diapers, but something about cloth wipes grosses me out!)

He DOES do the sign for "more" though! He started about a month ago while we were in Michigan at my mom's house. I had sort of backed off with the signs at that point, but all of a sudden he did it at a meal, without us doing it first! He remembered. :)

Not much more to say. I promise to TRY to update this more. He's growing up so fast and I know a lot of family and friends out there want to keep up on his accomplishments!

1 year pics!

His Elmo birthday cake! Elmo was a rice krispie treat sculpture and the cake was white with strawberry filling. It was SOOO YUMMY!