Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lots of news!

Wow, sorry it's been so long! We have been getting ready to move to Illinois. We just got the approval yesterday for the rental house we found in Waterloo. We find out tomorrow if we'll be able to move in next Saturday--but either way, we'll be out of Michigan. :(

Charlie is crawling now! Just an army crawl, but MAN he can get around fast! I miss the days of being able to just sit with him, now I'm constantly chasing him around!

Charlie's plagiocephaly is doing great! We saw the doctor a week and a half ago, and he did a manual measurement and found the diagonal difference(measured left back to right front and right back to left front) was about 5mm--it started out at about 14!! That's AMAZING. I didn't even think we needed the helmet, but I am SO GLAD I went through with it! "Normal" is considered 2-3 mm, so he said that at the next appointment we will do the scan, where the measurements are more accurate. He thinks we'll be done after that! I decided to stick with the same doctor instead of switching when we move for just 1 appointment. So there will be a LONG roadtrip for Charlie and I. That's scheduled for June 25.

At that appointment, I mentioned some bulging on Charlie's head. The helmet doctor told me to go to the pediatrician, so we did that day. The bones in his head are closing. She said the one in the front was normal at this age, no problem. But the back one she is slightly concerned about. It's not as big of a bulge as the front. She referred us to DeVos children's hospital to see what they say. So we're going there on the 25th as well. If they determine it's too early for it to be closing, they will have to do surgery. :(

Please keep us in your prayers, this is a scary thing to go through! Everyone always wants their child to be perfect with no health problems, and then something like this happens. I will post an update after the appointment!